About Us

Thank you for taking the time to check us out.

We are a small company that is passionate about, not just coffee, but in the men and women of the Armed Forces and First Responders of the USA, Canada, and many other allied nations.

As this store operates mainly for customers based in the USA, a portion of all proceeds will be donated to programs that support US veterans, and First Responders, along with K-9 units in America.

We are proud of the noble sacrifices these fine people make in the name of freedom and safety.

This is our way of saluting them and giving back.

My name is Derek Hollan. I, too, am a veteran, having served in the Canadian Forces from 1986 to 2006. I understand what it means to be in their position, and I still feel a deep connection with my comrades in arms to this day. I have served alongside service personnel from many nations, and I am happy and proud to consider them all as friends and allies.

Ranchland Coffee Co. is dedicated to bringing the freshest possible coffee right to your door.
Once your order is processed it is queued for production and is roasted and ground (if not a
whole bean order) the day it is shipped. This way you are guaranteed it is as fresh as possible.